Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Provides Assistance of Rs 10 Lakh to IIT Researcher Suffering From Blood Cancer

According to a press statement, after getting information on social media, the Chief Minister himself contacted Dixit's family and offered to help. The students at IIT Roorkee had started the campaign on social media for helping Dixit.

Yogi Adityanath (Photo CRedits: ANI)

Lucknow, September 19: Ashish Dixit, a researcher in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, who is suffering from blood cancer, has received economic assistance of Rs 10 lakh from Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

According to a press statement, after getting information on social media, the Chief Minister himself contacted Dixit's family and offered to help. The students at IIT Roorkee had started the campaign on social media for helping Dixit. Yogi Adityanath Government Transfers 12 IPS Officers.

His treatment is underway in PGI. Due to his father being in the government service and getting a scholarship, there was a problem in getting the government's help, but Adityanath ordered help. (ANI)

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