Lucknow, August 4: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday attended the BJP's membership drive to enroll e-rickshaw drivers as party members. Speaking at the event, Adityanath said that it is for the first time since independence that a Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) or any political party (BJP) has thought about e-rickshaw drivers. Yogi Adityanath Triggers Yet Another Controversy, Says 'Earlier, People Got Electricity on Eid, But Not on Diwali'.
Adityanath said, "The aim of BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi is to bring happiness to people of every section of the society and make India a superpower. We have been able to succeed in achieving this aim to a great extent." "I am happy that I got the opportunity to include fruits and vegetable vendors into the party through the membership programme on August 1 in Gorakhpur. I am doing the same with e-rickshaw drivers here," he said.
Adityanath said that BJP has emerged as the largest party in the world in the last five years. The party has worked with the ideology of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas".Referring to e-rickshaw drivers, the UP Chief Minister said, "You all are e-rickshaw drivers and it is the first time since independence that any political party has thought about you." Why is Yogi Adityanath The 'Encounter Man' of Uttar Pradesh?.
"In non-organised sectors, workers like e-rickshaw drivers can deposit money and after they attain the age of sixty, they will get Rs 3,000 per month as pension under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM- SYM)," he added.