New Delhi, June 25: A rain-wreaked Mumbai awaits the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday. The PM is scheduled to attend a meeting with top industry leaders and chief executive officers (CEO) of top companies in the city. He would also be addressing a program organised by the BJP to honour the leaders who fought against the emergency imposed in 1975 by then prime minister Indira Gandhi.
A day before Modi's visit, a road caved-in near Metro Cinema at the Marine Lines. the spot is a prime location of traffic movement in the city. The area also houses top government and industrial bodies.
In order to avoid embarrassment, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is acting on war-footing to repair the road ahead of pm's arrival.
Road caved in due to 600mm Dia watermain pipeline burst near metro cinema marine line @MCGM_BMC attending leakage on priority hoping to open the road for traffic tomarrow before Hon PM visit
Water supply in the fort/Dongri/Bombay hospital might get affected in the morning
— KIRAN DIGHAVKAR (@DighavkarKiran) June 25, 2018
Dr Kiran Dighavkar, assistant commissioner of BMC's ward, said the cave-in was caused to water pipeline bursting. This would also affect the supply of water to bombay hospital, dongri and fort area on tuesday.
In the last 24 hours, Mumbai recorded 234mm of rainfall, as per the data released by the Santacruz observatory. The IMD has released an 'orange alert' for the next 24 hours, signalling 'heavy to very heavy rainfall'.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 25, 2018 11:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website