Bengaluru, Feb 19: Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on Monday travelled in the Kaveri Express from Mysuru to Bengaluru. He travelled in the general class, along with the other passengers and interacted with them regarding the condition of the services provided inside the trains.

Piyush Goyal had visited Mysuru along with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to inaugurate a new express train at Mysuru Railway station.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had flagged off Palace Queen Humsafar Express train from the Mysuru station along with the Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.

The train will run on a new electrified Mysuru-Bengaluru railway line. Prime Minister addressed the public at Mysuru while highlighting the positive work of the BJP government in the Railway sector.

Prime minister said, "Some important projects have been started for the people of Mysuru. We electrified the railway line between Mysuru-Bangaluru and launched a new train. If we want to fulfil the needs of poorest of the poor, we need to strengthen the rail network and we have been working for the development of railways since past 4 years".