Mumbai, March 9: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday seized a painting of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, which was sold to crisis-hit YES Bank founder Rana Kapoor by Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. Rana Kapoor reportedly bought the painting from Priyanka Gandhi for a whopping Rs 2 crore. The portrait of Rajiv Gandhi was painted by Maqbool Fida Husain, popularly known as MF Husain. YES Bank Crisis: CBI Books Co-Founder Rana Kapoor, DHFL Promoter-Director Kapil Wadhawan For Cheating and Corruption.
According to reports, Maharashtra Congress leader Milind Deora had written to Kapoor on May 1, 2010, and asked him to approach Priyanka Gandhi directly to buy the painting - a portrait of her father and Rajiv Gandhi. The same painting was sold to Kapoor in June 2010. On June 4, 2010, Priyanka Gandhi wrote an acknowledgement letter to Kapoor, after he sent her the cheque of Rs 2 crore. Rana Kapoor, Founder of Crisis-Hit YES Bank, Arrested by ED Under PMLA.
In her letter to Kapoor, Priyanka Gandhi said, "Thank you for purchasing the portrait of my father Rajiv Gandhi painted by M.F. Hussain, which was presented to him in 1985 at the Congress party centenary celebrations and is presently in my possession." Speaking to IANS, an ED official said that the painting sold by Priyanka to Kapoor will be probed as the valuation of the painting was not done before it was sold.
The official also said that as the portrait of Rajiv Gandhi was gifted to the then Prime Minister during the Congress centenary in 1985, and thus it was the property of the party. The official further commented that as the portrait was bought for Rs 2 crore by Kapoor, it falls under the proceeds of crime.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 09, 2020 09:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website