New Delhi, January 7: AAP MP Sanjay Singh on Tuesday invited the media for a tour of Arvind Kejriwal's official residence while he was Delhi's chief minister, which the BJP claims was turned into a "Sheesh Mahal" during the AAP chief's stay. Challenging the BJP over its allegations on the "Sheesh Mahal" issue, Singh asked its leaders to visit the CM's residence at 11 am on Wednesday with the media and prove their claims. In a press conference, he alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi lived in a "Rajmahal" worth Rs 2,700 crores and challenged the BJP to open it up for a similar visit with the media.
The Rajya Sabha MP alleged that all of BJP -- from the prime minister to his party members -- is running a propaganda campaign over the "Sheesh Mahal". Kejriwal occupied the 6 Flagstaff Road bungalow amid controversies related to alleged irregularities in its renovation and costly fittings and household goods present in it. He vacated it in October last year after stepping down as Delhi's CM. The BJP has focussed a big part of its election campaign centred around these allegations, dubbing the bungalow "Sheesh Mahal". Open ‘Sheesh Mahal’ for Public Darshan, BJP’s Parvesh Verma Writes to Delhi CM Atishi (Watch Video).
The prime minister, too, during a BJP rally in Rohini last week, hit out at the AAP, saying their allegations that the Centre did not let the Delhi government work was "exposed by the "Sheesh Mahal". "They claim there is a minibar in the residence, a golden toilet, and even a swimming pool inside. BJP's leaders are spreading lies, and I want the entire nation and Delhi to know the truth," Singh said. Centre Evicting Me From Chief Minister’s House, Claims Delhi CM Atishi; BJP Refutes Charges, Amit Malviya Says ‘She Is Lying’.
"Show us where is the swimming pool, the minibar and the golden toilet. The people of Delhi and the country deserve to know the truth. I challenge you. Tomorrow at 11 am, let's visit the Chief Minister's residence along with the media and uncover the reality," he said. Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva has claimed that valuable items, including a "golden commode", were missing after the bungalow was vacated by Kejriwal.