Bhopal, August 9: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Madhya Pradesh Minister Vishvas Sarang tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 48-year-old was diagnosed with mild symptoms was yet to be hospitalised. He tweeted on Sunday to inform that the second report of his swab samples were found to be positive for the virus causing COVID-19.
Sarang's first test report, which was released earlier this week, showed him as negative for the contagious disease. Since his samples were collected, the Minister has remained in home isolation. He appealed on Twitter to those who came in contact with him to undergo COVID-19 testing. Karnataka Health Minister B Sriramulu Tests COVID-19 Positive, Days After CM BS Yediyurappa.
"Today, my second COVID19 test report was positive. I am in home isolation since the first test report was negative. I request you all who have come in contact with me to get all COVID-19 tests conducted," he said in a tweet in Hindi.
See Vishvas Sarang's Tweet
आज मेरी दूसरी #COVID19 टेस्ट रिपोर्ट #पॉज़िटिव आई है।
प्रथम टेस्ट रिपोर्ट नेगेटिव होने के बाद से ही मैं होम आइसोलेशन में हूँ।
आप सबसे अनुरोध है कि जो भी मेरे संपर्क में आए हैं आप सभी #COVID19 टेस्ट करा लें।
— Vishvas Sarang (@VishvasSarang) August 9, 2020
Several MLAs and some Ministers in Madhya Pradesh have contracted the virus so far. On July 29, Water Resources Minister Tulsi Silawat and his wife's samples were found positive for the contagious disease. BJP state president VD Sharma and clear">