New Delhi, September 24: A video has come to the fore which shows Union Minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Ashwini Kumar Choubey insulting and threatening a police official. The clip was shot in Bihar's Buxar district, which is represented in the Lok Sabha by Choubey. While addressing a janta darbar event on Monday, the BJP veteran lashed out at a police official accused of registered a fake case against a party worker. Ashwini Kumar Choubey Caught on Camera Misbehaving With SDM After Alleged Violation of MCC.

The video shows a BJP worker appearing before Chaubey alongside the police official who registered the case against him. The Minister then asked the policeman to explain why charges were invoked against the person. When the police official responded saying that the accused was involved in goondaism, Choubey struck back at him, asking "Do you even known the meaning of goonda (hooligan)?"

Choubey further insulted the police personnel, stating that he has no capacity to crackdown on the real anti-social elements but is adamant on registering cases against people involved in democratic form of political protests.

As the police official attempted to justify himself, Choubey silenced him saying, "shut up." Further humiliating him, the Minister added, "Who asked you to call him a goonda? Why was he served a notice for goondaism?"

Choubey did not step and threatened to get the police official sacked from his post. "Next time, this should not happen. For what you have done, you could lose your uniform," he was heard as saying in the video.

Watch Video of Ashwini Choubey Threatening Bihar Police Personnel:

On being confronted by reporters, Choubey attempted to justify his actions alleging that the case filed against the BJP worker dated back to 2003 and was politically motivated.

"Some BJP workers and workers of other political parties who protested against corruption and crime in 2003 were called 'gunda' by the present administration. I told the police personnel it is not right to call someone a 'gunda'," he said.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 24, 2019 02:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website