Mumbai, November 12: Firebrand Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut underwent angioplasty at the Lilavati Hospital here on Monday evening, hours after he complained of chest pain, said his brother and hospital officials. Sanjay Raut (57), who led the Sena's charge to seek equal share in power with the BJP post-assembly election results in Maharashtra, visited the private hospital in suburban Bandra in the afternoon for routine check-up. Sanjay Raut Admitted to Lilavati Hospital After Complaining Chest Pain.

"Raut first underwent angiography where two blocks in the heart were detected. Angioplasty is being carried out and his health is stable," the Rajya Sabha MP's brother Sunil Raut said. "We are waiting for doctor's report," he said.

Angiography is an imaging test that uses X-rays to view a person's blood vessels. Angioplasty is a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery.

Earlier in the day, a hospital official said, "Raut came to the hospital following slight chest pain."

"Raut came to the hospital two days back also for a routine check-up. An ECG (electrocardiogram test) was then done followed by some check-ups. Based on the ECG report, doctors advised him to come to the hospital today (Monday) for further tests," the official said.

Sanjay Raut, executive editor of the Sena's mouthpiece 'Saamana', became the face of the party's repeated demand for chief ministership for 2.5 years and 50:50 split in portfolios ever since poll results were announced on October 24. Uddhav Thackeray For Maharashtra CM in Shiv Sena-Proposed Pact With Congress-NCP? Two Deputy Chief Minister Posts Offered.

Since October 24, the journalist-politician has been holding media briefings everyday and posting tweets to hit out at the BJP for not "honouring" power-sharing "agreement" between the saffron parties which stalled government formation in Maharashtra.