New Delhi, February 8: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Friday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for taking Ulta Chor Chowkidar Ko Dante (the thief is scolding the watchman) jibe at the Congress in Lok Sabha. Speaking at a press conference, Rahul Gandhi said PM Modi sees himself as both Chor and Chowkidar. He asked if PM Modi has a dual personality or suffering from Schizophrenia, a mental disorder.

"He is talking about himself or has got a dual personality?" Rahul Gandhi said when asked for his reaction on PM Modi's Ulta Chor Chowkidar Ko Dante barb. "He's now viewing himself as Chowkidaar and Chor? He talks to himself at night. One day he becomes Chowkidaar and one day he becomes Chor? Schizophrenia?" the Congress chief added.

Speaking in Lok Sabha, PM Modi called Rahul Gandhi a "thief" who has been scolding the "watchman" and rebutted his charges on Rafale fighter jet deal. "The Congress questioned the Election Commission, Electronic Voting Machines, bullied the judiciary, called the Planning Commission a bunch of jokers and misused Article 356 around 100 times, but now it's alleging that Modi is destroying the institutions. Ulta Chor Chowkidar Ko Dante," he said. Cong Raking Up Rafale Issue Because It Does Not Want Country’s Security Apparatus to Be Strong: PM.

On Friday, Rahul Gandhi launched a fresh attack on PM Modi after a report that claimed the PMO was carrying out parallel negotiations in Rafale deal. "PM Modi himself robbed Air Force's Rs 30,000 crore and gave it to Anil Ambani. We have been raising this for one year. Now a report has come where Defence Ministry officials say that PM was holding parallel negotiations with France government," Gandhi said.

His remarks came after The Hindu on Friday published a report: "Defence Ministry protested against PMO undermining Rafale negotiations". The report said that the Defence Ministry had raised strong objections to "parallel negotiations" conducted by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Office with the French side over the controversial Rafale deal.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 08, 2019 12:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website