Gandhinagar, March 27: Mansukh Lal Mandaviya, Union Minister of State for Road Transport, Highways and Shipping on Wednesday hit out at Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra saying having a nose like her grandmother does not ensure power. The BJP leader took a dig at Gandhi and said that having identical features like former prime minister Indira Gandhi did not ensure that one gets power. Sexist Jibes, Name Calling Add To 'Pappu' and 'Chowkidar Chor': Politics Becomes Dirty Verbal Battleground Ahead of Lok Sabha Elections 2019.

During his address in Gujarat's Anand, Mandaviya said, it's being said that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has a nose like her grandmother, Indira Gandhi. The BJP leader added saying that if having similar features give power, there would be a President in every house in China. "If you get power by having a nose like your grandmother, then there would have been a President in every household in China", he was quoted by ANI.  Rahul Ram's New Song 'Chunaav Ka Mahina' Steals the Show Among 2019 Lok Sabha Election Parodies on Social Media: Watch Video.

Here's the tweet:

Many leaders of Congress had openly said Priyanka Gandhi Vadra reminded them of her late grandmother. In February, BJP MP Harish Dwivedi had also made personal comments on the Congress leader. Vadra, who is the Congress's incharge of eastern Uttar Pradesh, had reportedly said she was often likened with Indira Gandhi because people loved the former prime minister.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 27, 2019 01:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website