New Delhi, January 22: Janata Dal (United) Vice President Prashant Kishor on Wednesday dared Union Home Minister Amit Shah to announce the National Register of Citizens (NRC) exercise for the country after the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). Referring to Amit Shah's previous assertion that NRC will follow the CAA and his Tuesday's speech, Prashant Kishor sought to know why the Union Home Minister wasn't going ahead with the NRC. 'Chronology Samjhiye': Priyanka Gandhi Takes A Dig at Narendra Modi Govt For Unrest in India.
"Being dismissive of citizens’ dissent couldn’t be the sign of strength of any Govt. @amitshah Ji, if you don’t care for those protesting against #CAA_NRC, why don’t you go ahead and try implementing the CAA & NRC in the chronology that you so audaciously announced to the nation! (sic)," Kishor tweeted. On Tuesday, Shah declared that the Modi government will not take back the CAA no matter how much protest is held.
Prashant Kishor's Tweet:
Being dismissive of citizens’ dissent couldn’t be the sign of strength of any Govt. @amitshah Ji, if you don’t care for those protesting against #CAA_NRC, why don’t you go ahead and try implementing the CAA & NRC in the chronology that you so audaciously announced to the nation!
— Prashant Kishor (@PrashantKishor) January 22, 2020
By using the word "chronology", Kishor took a swipe at Shah who had told a press conference in April last year that the NRC will be conducted after the CAA. "Aap chronology samajh lijiye (Understand the chronology). First, we will bring Citizenship Amendment Bill (now Citizenship Amendment Act) and after that, we will bring National Register of Citizens (NRC) and NRC will not only be for Bengal but for the entire country," Shah had said.
Amit Shah's 'Aap Chronology Samajh Lijiye' Speech on CAA and NRC:
While Prime Minister Narendra Modi told an election rally in Delhi on December 22 that there had been no discussion in the government on the NRC, Shah had on multiple occasions announced that the exercise will be carried out.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 22, 2020 02:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website