Patna, January 28: Janata Dal United (JDU) vice president Prashant Kishor on Tuesday lashed out at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Kishor’s comments targeting the Bihar CM, came hours after, Kumar said that he inducted the political strategist into the party on the directions of the then BJP president Amit Shah. The ongoing tussle between Kishore and Kumar intensified after the political strategist publicly called Bihar CM a liar. Nitish Kumar Hits Back at Sulking Pavan Kumar Varma For Speaking Against CAA And JDU-BJP Alliance, Says 'You Can Join Any Party You Like'.

Kishor in a tweet, questioned Kumar’s claims about his induction into the JDU. The political strategist tweeted, “.@NitishKumar  what a fall for you to lie about how and why you made me join JDU!! Poor attempt on your part to try and make my colour same as yours! And if you are telling the truth who would believe that you still have courage not to listen to someone recommended by @AmitShah ?”

Prashant Kishor's Tweet:

Earlier in the day, the Bihar CM said that then BJP president Amit Shah had asked him to induct political strategist into his party. While responding to a media question on Kishor, JDU supremo said, “Someone wrote a letter and I replied to it. Someone is tweeting, let him a tweet. What do I've to do with it? One can stay in the party (JD-U)) till he wants. He can go if he wants...Do you know how did he join the party? Amit Shah asked me to induct him.” Prashant Kishor Takes 'Aap Chronology Samajh Lijiye' Jibe at Amit Shah, Dares Home Minister to Announce Nationwide NRC.

After JDU supported the controversial the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in both the houses of Parliament, Kishor had criticised Kumar on many occasions. Last month, Kishor had told ANI that it is only Bihar Chief Minister Kumar who can tell under what circumstances the party supported the Citizen (Amendment) Bill in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

Besides Kishore, another JDU leader Pawan Varma had also Kumar’s stand on the CAA. He claimed that Kumar had announced in a meeting that JDU would not vote for the CAA. However, later he changed his stance, alleged Varma.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 28, 2020 10:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website