Kolkata, December 16: The long-running feud between West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Govenor Jagdeep Dhankhar took new turns on Monday when the due exchanged bitter letters. Governor Jagdeep called Banerjee's rally against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Registrar of Citizens (NRC) as unconstitutional, and mentioned that he had not received any response from Chief Secretary and DGP so far. On the contrary, Banerjee made it clear that briefing the Governor was not the 'prime focus' of her administration and wrote that he must "please cooperate" to maintain peace.
Receiving a unprecedented reply from the Chief Minister, Governor Dhankhar took to Twitter and stated that he has sent his reply and urged her to work in tandem and togetherness in public interest and engage in soul searching. Expecting a meeting with Banerjee on Tuesday, Dhankar wrote, "My response to the letter of the Chief Minister has been sent. Looking forward to meeting her tomorrow. Urged her to work in tandem and togetherness in public interest and engage in soul searching." Mamata Banerjee Leads Mega Anti-CAA Rally in Kolkata, Promises Not to Implement NRC, Citizenship Law in West Bengal.
Here's the tweet:
My response to the letter of the Chief Minister has been sent. Looking forward to meeting her tomorrow. Urged her to work in tandem and togetherness in public interest and engage in soul searching. pic.twitter.com/to4JMR4K00
— Jagdeep Dhankhar (@jdhankhar1) December 16, 2019
However, in his previous tweets, Dhankar expressed his sadness and spent the better part of the day tweeting about his failed attempt to get a proper briefing on the protests in Bengal. He even mentioned that he had not received any reply form Chief Secretary and DGP (Director General of Police), and it was unfortunate.
Here's the tweet:
.@MamataOfficial. In view of enormity of situation I have called upon Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to personally update me at Raj Bhawan tomorrow at a time of her choice. There is no response from Chief Secretary and DGP thus far. This is unfortunate and unexpected of them.
— Jagdeep Dhankhar (@jdhankhar1) December 16, 2019
Meanwhile, CM Banerjee, in her terse reply to the Governor said that she was 'really sorry'. However, she made her point that the officers could not attend to his call as they were busy in maintaining peace and harmony in the state. She wrote, "You would no doubt appreciate that the prime focus of the state administration at present is to maintain peaceful situation as against what is going on throughout the country. The constitutional obligation in my view is to support the state government machinery to maintain peace and harmony rather than aggravating the situation by provoking the elements who may attempt to disturb the order and tranquility." West Bengal: Mamata Banerjee Urges People Not to Get Violent While Protesting Against CAA, NRC.
Amid rising incidents of violence in West Bengal against the anti-CAA and anti-NRC, state police mentioned that 354 miscreants have been arrested across the state as a part of our endeavor to maintain peace and harmony in Bengal. Earlier on Saturday, angry mob torched five empty trains in Murshidabad district, following which internet was scrapped in the region. West Bengal: Mamata Banerjee Puts Stay Order on NPR Updation Process Amid Anti-CAA Protests.
Earlier, Monday marked a day of protests and a history in the making in West Bengal, when Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee -- along thousands of her supporters -- rallied from Red Road to Jorasanko Thakur Bari, the ancestral house of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore in north Kolkata. The rally was against the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Registrar of Citizens, during which she dared the Centre to dismiss her government, ignoring Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar's disapproval. During her mega rally in Kolkata, CM Banerjee urged the people of the country no to go for violence while addressing a protest march organised here against the CAA and the NRC.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 16, 2019 10:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).