New Delhi, February 13: The Lok Sabha elections are just months away, and the Congress is in no mood to leave the BJP-led on the last day of the Parliamentary Session. In a bid to take a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 2014 poll promise, Congress leaders from Punjab arrived in the national capital with fake cheques of Rs 15 lakh and asked the Union government when it will be credited into the account of poor people of India.

Not only the cheques were fake, but it had an image of Narendra Modi and name of the bank – written on the cheque – as ‘feku’ (fake) bank. The action of the Congress leaders reminds of the promise made by Narendra Modi during the 16th Lok Sabha election in 2014, where the latter promised that Rs 15 lakh would be deposited in the bank accounts of every citizen of the country, if black money is brought back to India. However, neither the black money returned, nor the amount was deposited in the bank.  Arun Jaitley Quips ‘Satyameva Jayate’ After CAG Report on Rafale Tabled in Rajya Sabha, Says Lies of ‘Mahajhootbandhan’ Stand Exposed. 

The protest comes on the backdrop of last working day of the 16th Lok Sabha, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a detailed report of the work done by the BJP government in the last five years. Though, PM Modi stated the achievements of his government, the Congress leaders are accusing him of alleged scams in the acquisition of the Rafale fighter jets from France. The opposition Congress had also sought for a Joint Parliamentary Committee report of the Rafale deal, which was tabled in the Parliament – sans pricing details – on Wednesday.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 13, 2019 05:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website