West Bengal Chief Electoral Officer bars BJP MP Babul Supriyo's electoral song. Says, "Election Commission has said BJP MP Babul Supriyo's song against which TMC had objected won't be allowed to play. The song was being used by BJP in various parts of Bengal without permission. The song will have to be withdrawn."
Villagers from Manoharpur in Saharanpur LS constituency have decided to boycott polls over 'no development'. Say, "There are many issues relating to electricity, water & roads. No politician has visited the village to address our issues. We need written assurance else we won't vote"
Andhra Pradesh CM and TDP Chief N Chandrababu Naidu holds public rally in Guntur.
BJP's Suresh Nakhua has filed a criminal complaint against Congress's Urmila Matondkar and stated, "She has hurt religious sentiments of Hindus by calling 'Hinduism the most violent religion in the world' on a TV show".He also named Congress President and a journalist in the complaint.
West Bengal Chief Electoral Officer bars BJP MP Babul Supriyo's electoral song. Says, "Election Commission has said BJP MP Babul Supriyo's song against which TMC had objected won't be allowed to play. The song was being used by BJP in various parts of Bengal without permission. The song will have to be withdrawn."