Chennai, April 1: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Monday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's criticism of the state's ruling DMK on the Katchatheevu issue, questioning the BJP's "sudden love" for fishermen ahead of the elections and questioned the PM on issues including the Rs 37,000 crore flood relief packages sought by the state. The Katchatheevu islet was ceded to Sri Lanka by India by way of an agreement in 1974.

Responding to Modi's criticism through a post on 'X', Stalin also described the Katchatheevu issue as a "diversionary" tactic being adopted by the PM. "The people of Tamil Nadu want to put forth only three questions to those, who, after being in a Kumbakarna slumber for 10 years, are displaying a sudden love for the fishermen for elections. Why does the Union government return just 29 paise out of the Re 1 paid by TN as tax," he asked. Katchatheevu Island Issue: Day After Attacking Congress, PM Narendra Modi Targets DMK, Alleges ‘Ruling Party Did Nothing To Safeguard Tamil Nadu’s Inte

"Why has not been a single penny given to Tamil Nadu as flood relief despite the state having faced two natural disasters (the floods in Chennai and Thoothukudi in December 2023)," Stalin said. Thirdly, he asked if there was one special scheme meant for the state that was implemented in the last 10 years of BJP rule at the Centre. "Instead of involving in diversions, please respond to all these, Prime Minister," he said with the hashtag in Tamil "bathil sollunga Modi," seeking answers from the PM. Katchatheevu Island Issue: EAM S Jaishankar Claims Prime Ministers From Congress Indifferent About Katchatheevu, Gave Away Indian Fishermen’s Rights (Watch Video)

The prime minister earlier in the day targeted the DMK over the Katchatheevu issue, alleging the ruling party did nothing to safeguard the state's interests. New details emerging on the issue of India handing over the island to Sri Lanka have unmasked the DMK's double standards totally, he said, citing a news report which claimed that then chief minister, the late M Karunanidhi had given his concurrence to the agreement despite his party, the DMK's public posturing against the deal.