Bhopal, June 19: Madhya Pradesh Governor and former Gujarat chief minister Anandiben Patel has claimed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi never got married. While speaking at an anganwadi centre at Timari in Harda district of Madhya Pradesh on Sunday, Patel was heard telling workers, "Narendrabhai was not married, yet he understood the pain and problems that women and children face pre- and post-childbirth."
An onlooker recorded a video of Anandiben Patel making the statement. In the video, Patel can be heard saying, "unhone (Modi) vivah nahi kiya hai yeh toh pata hai naa aapko, Narendrabhai ne shaadi nahi ki hai (He didn't marry, you know that right? Narendrabhai never got married)."
Video of Anandiben Patel Addressing Anganwadi workers
Patel is seen making the statement while sitting next to MLA Sanjay Shah. It is to be noted that in his 2014 Lok Sabha elections affidavit, Modi declared himself as married. He wrote that he got married to Jashodaben in 1968. Jashodaben is provided the security that is provided to the spouse of the country's prime minister.
Last week, Jashodaben was seen celebrating iftar during Ramzan in Ahmedabad.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 19, 2018 11:25 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website