Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Election 2021 Results Live Updates: Counting of Votes Underway, Sushma Devi Wins BDC Elections from Nasogi Ward

The results for Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Samitis, Zila Parishads Elections 2021 will be declared by Friday evening. The counting of votes began at 8 am. Candidates did not contest the Himachal Pradesh Gram Panchayat elections on party symbols.


Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Election 2021 Results Live Updates: Counting of Votes Underway, Sushma Devi Wins BDC Elections from Nasogi Ward

The results for Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Samitis, Zila Parishads Elections 2021 will be declared by Friday evening. The counting of votes began at 8 am. Candidates did not contest the Himachal Pradesh Gram Panchayat elections on party symbols.

Politics Team Latestly|
Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Election 2021 Results Live Updates: Counting of Votes Underway, Sushma Devi Wins BDC Elections from Nasogi Ward
EVMs | Representational Image | (Photo Credits: PTI)

Shimla, January 22: The results for Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Samitis, Zila Parishads Elections 2021 will be declared by Friday evening. The counting of votes began at 8 am. Candidates did not contest the Himachal Pradesh Gram Panchayat elections on party symbols. Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Elections 2021 Results Live Streaming on News 18 Punjab Haryana Himachal.

Sushma Devi has won the BDC election from Nasogi ward of Naggar block by defeating Roshini by 594 votes. She bagged 1,243 votes while Roshni got 649 votes. A total of 1,924 votes were polled, of which 23 were rejected and 9 went to NOTA.

The elections were held in three phases on January 17, 19 and 21. A total of 3,583 gram panchayats went to polls. Polling for 1,137 panchayats was held in the third phase. In the second phase, 80 percent voter turnout was recorded, while 81 percent voter turnout was recorded in the third phase.

There are a total of 3,615 gram panchayats in the state. The polling did not take place in 32 panchayats in Keylong of tribal Lahaul-Spiti district. The election process will be completed by January 23. COVID-19 protocols were followed during the polling.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 22, 2021 05:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Election 2021 Results Live Updates: Counting of Votes Underway, Sushma Devi Wins BDC Elections from Nasogi Ward

The results for Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Samitis, Zila Parishads Elections 2021 will be declared by Friday evening. The counting of votes began at 8 am. Candidates did not contest the Himachal Pradesh Gram Panchayat elections on party symbols.

Politics Team Latestly|
Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Election 2021 Results Live Updates: Counting of Votes Underway, Sushma Devi Wins BDC Elections from Nasogi Ward
EVMs | Representational Image | (Photo Credits: PTI)

Shimla, January 22: The results for Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Samitis, Zila Parishads Elections 2021 will be declared by Friday evening. The counting of votes began at 8 am. Candidates did not contest the Himachal Pradesh Gram Panchayat elections on party symbols. Himachal Pradesh Panchayat Elections 2021 Results Live Streaming on News 18 Punjab Haryana Himachal.

Sushma Devi has won the BDC election from Nasogi ward of Naggar block by defeating Roshini by 594 votes. She bagged 1,243 votes while Roshni got 649 votes. A total of 1,924 votes were polled, of which 23 were rejected and 9 went to NOTA.

The elections were held in three phases on January 17, 19 and 21. A total of 3,583 gram panchayats went to polls. Polling for 1,137 panchayats was held in the third phase. In the second phase, 80 percent voter turnout was recorded, while 81 percent voter turnout was recorded in the third phase.

There are a total of 3,615 gram panchayats in the state. The polling did not take place in 32 panchayats in Keylong of tribal Lahaul-Spiti district. The election process will be completed by January 23. COVID-19 protocols were followed during the polling.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 22, 2021 05:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Approves Upgradation of Municipal Councils to Municipal Bodies, 2 Nagar Panchayats to Municipal Councils; 6 New Nagar Panchayats Created

Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Approves Upgradation of Municipal Councils to Municipal Bodies, 2 Nagar Panchayats to Municipal Councils; 6 New Nagar Panchayats Created

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Google India Explores AI-Driven Initiatives To Transform Public Services in Himachal Pradesh

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