New Delhi, January 14: Delhi Police has registered an FIR against a PWD official for carrying election-related material in a government vehicle pertaining to Chief Minister Atishi, an official said on Tuesday. The officer further said that the FIR has been registered for allegedly violating the Model Code of Conduct. A complaint was initially filed by the returning officer against Chief Minister Atishi, alleging the use of a government vehicle for political purposes on January 7, he said.

Following a detailed investigation, police registered the FIR against the Public Works Department (PWD) official, south-east divisional executive engineer, for allegedly using a government vehicle for election campaigning. The case was filed at the Govind Puri police station here. A complaint letter regarding the matter was submitted to the assistant commissioner of police, Kalkaji. "A complaint letter dated January 8 was received in this office regarding the violation of the Model Code of Conduct and the use of a government vehicle for political purposes," the FIR said. Delhi Assembly Elections 2025: Unable To File Nomination From Kalkaji Constituency on Monday, CM Atishi To Submit Poll Papers on January 14.

It further stated the directive that there is an absolute ban on the use of official vehicles for campaigning, electioneering or election-related travel during the polls. The matter is being further investigated. Meanwhile, former Delhi chief minister and AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal in a social media post mentioned without naming any party that their leaders openly distribute money, sarees, blankets, gold chains etc, get fake voters registered, yet not even an FIR is registered against them. But an FIR is immediately registered against Chief Minister Atishi, he added. Atishi Launches Crowdfunding Campaign To Contest Delhi Assembly Elections 2025, Says ‘Biggest Evidence of AAP’s Honesty’ (Watch Video).

"The Aam Aadmi Party is fighting against the entire system. This rotten system has to be changed and cleaned together with the people. Both the BJP and the Congress are part of the same rotten system."