Silvassa, March 10: The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Sunday announced constituency-wise dates of upcoming Lok Sabha polls 2019. As per the schedule, the election in Dadra And Nagar Haveli will take place on April 23, 2019, in a single phase. While, the election for the Lok Sabha for 543 seats will take place in 7 phases and results will be declared on May 23, 2019. Lok Sabha Elections 2019 Schedule Announcement by ECI Live News Updates.

Dadra and Nagar Haveli Lok Sabha constituency is reserved for the Scheduled Tribes (ST). Dadra and Nagar Haveli is the only Lok Sabha constituency in this Union Territory. In 2014 general polls, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the constituency with 48.88 per cent votes share defeating Congress' Mohanbhai Sanjibhai Delkar by a margin of 3.76 per cent. 2019 Lok Sabha Election Results Predictions: National Approval Ratings Expects Hung Verdict With BJP-led NDA Winning 247 Seats, UPA 171.

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The current member of parliament (MP) from Dadra and Nagar Haveli is Natubhai Gomanbhai Patel. In 2014 elections, Patel defeated Delkar by 6214 votes. The election was also contested by Nationalist Congress Party and Shiv Sena. In this union territory, BJP and Congress are having a tough fight. In every election, the difference between the major parties is approximately 1000-1200.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 10, 2019 05:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website