Patna, November 10: The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) on Tuesday accused incumbent Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar of meddling with the counting process. The RJD claimed that Mahagathbandhan’s 119 candidates had won the elections, and returning officers were not giving them certificates. The Lalu Prasad Yadav-led party in a tweet said that earlier, returning officers of 119 constituencies had congratulated candidates of Mahagathbandhan, but suddenly they backtracked. Bihar Assembly Elections Results 2020 Live News Updates.
The RJD also shared a list of the candidates they claimed that had won the elections from the respective constituencies. The Lalu Yadav-led party tweeted, “On 119 candidates Mahagathbandhan’s candidates have won. Returning officers also congratulated on winning, but now they are not giving them certificates and are saying that Mahagathbandhan’s candidates on these 119 swats have lost. ECI website also showed them victorious. These frauds will not work in Democracy.”
In another tweet, the RJD said, “TV Channels are showing 109 candidates of Mahagathbandhan have won instead of 119. Nitish Kumar is calling officials and asking them to change the result. After congratulating, returning officers are now saying that that you have lost.” Earlier, RJD MP Manoj Jha also exuded confidence in forming government in the state. Bihar Assembly Election Results 2020: What Happens After A Party Wins Vidhan Sabha Polls? How Is A Government Formed?
Tweet by RJD:
ये उन 119 सीटों की सूची है जहाँ गिनती संपूर्ण होने के बाद महागठबंधन के उम्मीदवार जीत चुके है। रिटर्निंग ऑफ़िसर ने उन्हें जीत की बधाई दी लेकिन अब सर्टिफ़िकेट नहीं दे रहे है कह रहे है कि आप हार गए है। ECI की वेबसाइट पर भी इन्हें जीता हुआ दिखाया गया। जनतंत्र में ऐसी लूट नहीं चलेगी।
— Rashtriya Janata Dal (@RJDforIndia) November 10, 2020
The counting of votes for the Bihar assembly elections 2020 is currently underway. Both Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the Mahagathbandhan, comprising the RJD and the Congress are locked in a close fight. Even as the NDA is ahead of the Mahagathbandhan, it is barely at the half-way mark of 122 in the 243-member Bihar Assembly. The RJD is turning out to be the single-largest party.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 10, 2020 09:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website