New Delhi, May 5: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Sunday held the BJP responsible for the attack on him during a roadshow and charged that the police is merely following the “script” given by the ruling party. Kejriwal was slapped allegedly by a disgruntled AAP supporter during a roadshow in Moti Nagar on Saturday.
Noting that it was the ninth attack on him and the fifth since he became the chief minister, Kejriwal said it was not an attack on him but on the mandate of the people of Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal Slapped by Man During Roadshow in Delhi; Watch Video.
No immediate response was received either from the BJP or the police. "They (BJP) do not want common man to enter politics so we are being targeted,” he told reporters.
Kejriwal said Delhi Police's response was carefully scripted. "It was done at the behest of the BJP,” he charged.
He also dismissed the charge that the attacker was an AAP supporter as claimed by the police.
Delhi Police said Saturday that preliminary interrogation has revealed that 33-year-old Suresh, a scrap dealer in the area, was a supporter of AAP and he used to work as organiser of its rallies and meetings.
An inquiry by a DCP-level officer has been ordered to find out how this person was allowed to be in the reception/proximate group, Additional PRO, Delhi Police Anil Mittal had said.