Amaravati, January 21: Telugu Desam Party (TDP) MP Galla Jayadev was on Tuesday granted bail by a Mangalagiri court a day after he was arrested for participating in the protest on the three-capital issue. Mangalagiri Magistrate Court granted bail to Jayadev, who was on Monday arrested by the police in Amaravati during a rally by farmers against the State government's approval on the proposal to set up three capitals.

Andhra Pradesh State Assembly on Monday passed the 'Andhra Pradesh Decentralisation and Inclusive Development of All Regions Bill 2020'. Andhra Pradesh Capital Row: Chandrababu Naidu, TDP MLAs Detained in Amaravati After Trying to Launch Protest Against State Govt.

According to a release, the "Bill provides for the creation of three capital cities to usher in the decentralisation of development". The Bill proposes to have a legislative capital at Amaravati, executive capital and Raj Bhavan at Visakhapatnam and judicial capital at Kurnool to fulfill the aspirations of all regions.