New Delhi, April 9: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah's assets grew over three times in the last seven years, the affidavit filed by BJP chief revealed. Shah filed the affidavit on Saturday while submitting his nomination papers for the Gandhinagar Lok Sabha seat in Gujarat. According to details mentioned in the affidavit, Shah stated that the net worth of his wife and him, as per ITR of 2017-18, stood at Rs 2.84 crore annually. With this, Shah's total annual income is Rs 53.90 lakh while that of Sonalben, it is Rs 2.30 crore. Amit Shah's Wife's Income Grew '16-fold in 5 years': Election Affidavit.
The affidavit states that the movable and immovable properties of Shah and his wife stood at Rs 38.81 crore, up from Rs 11.79 crore in 2012. The affidavit states that the net worth of Rs 38.81 crore included inherited property, both movable and immovable, of Rs 23.45 crore.
According to their latest Income Tax Returns (ITR), Shah and his wife have a cumulative income of Rs 2.84 crore. At the time of filing the papers, Shah had Rs 20,633 cash in hand while his wife possessed Rs 72,578. As per the affidavit, Shah and his wife had Rs 27.80 lakh in several savings accounts, and fixed deposits of Rs 9.80 lakh.
According to reports, Shah's wife income doubled than more in a year as her 2016-17 ITR placed her annual income at Rs 1.05 crore. Shah's income as per his 2016-17 ITR was Rs 43.68 lakh. Shah's affidavit mentions his sources of income as salary received as Rajya Sabha MP, rent on properties and income from agricultural activity. Hema Malini Has A Net Worth of Rs 101 Crore, BJP MP Files Lok Sabha Election 2019 Affidavit From Mathura.
The affidavit further informs that the BJP chief and his wife do not own a car and that, Shah had not pursued his Bachelor of Commerce degree beyond the second year. Shah has further declared that though four criminal cases were pending against him, he has not been convicted in any of them. These four pending cases against Shah comprise two each registered in West Bengal and Bihar.
The four cases against Amit Shah as per the affidavit include:
- The first one was registered in West Bengal over an inflammatory speech during the municipality polls this year.
- The second, pending before a metropolitan magistrate in Kolkata, was a defamation suit.
- The third, registered in Muzaffarpur in Bihar in 2017, was regarding a YouTube video showing Shah hoisting the national flag while wearing shoes.
- The fourth case was registered in Begusarai in Bihar in 2015 for making some remarks against Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad Yadav, the affidavit said.
In 2017, when Shah contested the Rajya Sabha polls from Gujarat, he had declared assets worth Rs 34.31 crore. With the filing of the latest affidavit, his assets see a rise of Rs 4.5 crore since 2017. While fighting the 2012 Assembly polls, Shah had declared that he along with his family, including wife Sonalben and son Jay (who was a dependent at the time), owned movable and immovable assets worth Rs 11.79 crore.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 09, 2019 09:58 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website