New Delhi, March 15: Delhi Chief Minister on Friday alleged that Chief Election Commission and Delhi Police raided Aam Aadmi Party offices. According to Kejriwal, the Delhi Police raided party call centres without any search warrant and asked for data. The Delhi CM tweeted, “Police has raided without any search warrant and is barging into server rooms and interrogating all call centre agents. What is this going on? What is the crime?” Time to Throw Out Narendra Modi’s Dictatorial, Undemocratic Regime: Arvind Kejriwal.

Delhi CM's Tweet:

In another tweet, The AAP chief wrote, “Why is CEC raiding our call centres and asking for our data? What is our crime? Pl tell our crime at least.” In another tweet, he also alleged that the EC is asking for data from AAP, so that it could hand it over to Amit Shah.

Kejriwal's Tweet:

During the day, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, party and other party MLA’s staged a protest outside EC’s office against the raids and for conducting free and fair elections. They were demanding to meet the Chief Election Commissioner.

Arvind Kejriwal's Tweet:

AAP's Candidate from East Delhi, Atishi, tweeted, “@msisodia⁩, ⁦@SanjayAzadSln⁩, ⁦@raghav_chadha⁩, myself and⁩ MLAs are waiting outside Election Commission till CEC meets us! It is the responsibility of EC to ensure free and fair elections and not let BJP’s ⁦@DelhiPolice⁩ intimatidate our call centres.”

Atishi's Tweet:

Last week, the Income Tax conducted raids at the premises of AAP MLA from Uttam Nagar – Naresh Balyan. Balyan is considered as a close aide of Kejriwal. in the IT raids at Balyan’s Dwarka sector 12 office, around Rs 2-3 crore were recovered.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 15, 2019 05:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website