New Delhi (India), May 28: After winning the elections with a thumping majority, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday met former President Pranab Mukherjee and sought his blessings. Modi shared two photos from the meeting in which the two can be seen exchanging pleasantries. In one photo, the former president is sharing sweets with the Prime Minister.
Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi met former President Pranab Mukherjee today.
— ANI (@ANI) May 28, 2019
"Meeting Pranab Da is always an enriching experience. His knowledge and insights are unparalleled. He is a statesman who has made an indelible contribution to our nation. Sought his blessings during our meeting today," Narendra Modi said in his tweet. Rajinikanth to Attend Narendra Modi's Swearing-In, Wants Rahul Gandhi to Continue as Congress Chief.
Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party secured a clear majority with 303 seats, which is 22 more than its 2014 tally. Along with its allies, the NDA stands at 352 in the 17th Lok Sabha. Pranab Mukherjee Puts Onus on Election Commission to Clear Air on 'EVM Tampering' Charges.
Earlier on Saturday, Modi was elected as leader of the NDA in a ceremony at Parliament's Central Hall. Later, he met President Ram Nath Kovind and staked claim to form government at the centre.Narendra Modi will take oath as the Prime Minister for a second term on May 30.