Sambhal, February 5: In an unusual incident of wedding fraud reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal, a man was married to his fiance’s elder sister. The matter came to the fore when the bride’s veil was lifted and the groom realised that it was not the girl with whom his marriage was fixed but her elder sister. Angered, the groom’s family sent the girl back to her maternal home.
According to a report in DNAHindi, the dejected groom has threatened to commit suicide if he does not get justice. Dalchand, the groom, got married to a girl living in Kailadevi police station area on January 26. However in the name of family tradition, the girl’s family had the bride’s head covered during the marriage ceremony. Uttar Pradesh: Groom and Bride’s Father Slap Each Other During Marriage Function in Chitrakoot, Wedding Called Off
After the wedding ceremonies were over, the groom brought his newly-wed wife to his village Khatauli. However the groom’s family were taken aback when they found out that their son was married to the bride’s elder sister under the guise of a veil. Soon there was a lot of chaos and the groom’s family sent the bride back to her maternal home. Uttar Pradesh: Bride Cancels Wedding As Groom Enters Her Room Repeatedly Before Marriage in Chitrakoot.
Later panchayat was held in the presence of relatives where the girl’s side accused the groom’s side of demanding dowry while the boy’s side was saying that the girl’s side had cheated them under the guise of a veil. They accused the bride’s side of marrying their elder daughter by showing their younger daughter.
Despite several panchayats being held, no solution has been found to this problem. The groom has also threatened to commit suicide. The boy’s side has now lodged a complaint with the police. The police are investigating the matter.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 05, 2023 04:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website