Dehradun, August 17: In a shocking incident a mother-daughter duo were allegedly killed by unidentified men on Tuesday morning, as per reports. Reports inform that 70-year-old woman, identified as Jeet Kaur, and her 35-year-old daughter, identified as Parmjeet Kaur, were attacked by a sharp-edged weapon and killed. The deceased bodies were found lying near Jaspur police station in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand Shocker: Woman Kills Husband by Giving Excessive Sleeping Pills, Takes Help of 25-Year-Old Lover.
According to reports, Parmjeet Kaur's minor daughter, who was accompanying the deceased mother-daughter duo when the incident took place, rushed back to her home and told her family members about the it. Their dead bodies were found lying on Badiyowala road at Bhogpur village. Both the deceased were the residents of Bhogpur village itself, reported the Hindustan Times. Uttarakhand Shocker: School Owner Allegedly Rapes 12-Year-Old Girl in Dehradun; Arrested.
Police reportedly informed that a family dispute is said to be the cause behind the murder of the mother-daughter duo. Additional Superintendent of Police of Kashipur, US Nagar, Pramod Kumar told the Hindustan Times, "Some family dispute is said to be behind the incident and it is a matter of investigation. Police are waiting for a complaint to be registered in the matter."
A similar incident was reported from Delhi on Sunday. A mother-daughter duo was stabbed by a man in the national capital. As per reports, the accused wanted to marry the woman's 18-year-old daughter. However his proposal was rejected. Following which the man stabbed the woman and her daughter with a sharp edged weapon.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 17, 2021 05:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website