Shravasti, December 29: A woman was arrested for allegedly using a forged admit card to appear for the physical standard test during the Uttar Pradesh police recruitment process despite failing the written examination, officials said on Sunday. Shravasti Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Praveen Kumar Yadav told PTI, "A woman candidate named Richa Singh was arrested on Saturday for attempting to appear for the physical standard test using a fake admit card."

The recruitment process for constable positions included a written exam conducted in August. Those who cleared the exam were invited for the document verification and physical standard test phase, which began on Friday, Yadav said. The reserve police lines at Shravasti district headquarters Bhimga was one of the centres for this phase. Govt Asked Not To Share Xerox Copy of Aadhaar Card? UIDAI Busts Fake Viral Message.

"We expected 533 candidates at this centre, as per our list. There were no female candidates registered," the ASP said. So when Richa Singh presented her admit card, the examiners grew suspicious. Upon preliminary verification, it was found to be forged. "The admit card contained the photograph and details of Singh, a resident of Payagpur in Bahraich district, but the roll number belonged to a male candidate named Mayank from Kanpur," Yadav said.

Investigation revealed that Singh used an editing mobile application -- Sweet Snap -- to edit and paste a different roll number on the fake admit card. The police seized the forged documents and a tablet from Singh after registering a case under the relevant sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at Kotwali Bhimga police station. "The accused was arrested from the Bhimga bus station and sent to jail on Saturday after being produced in the court," the ASP said. Fake Aadhar Cards, Bangladeshi Passport, Bangladeshi IDs Among Other Articles Seized from ... - Latest Tweet by ANI UP/Uttarakhand.

During questioning, Singh admitted to have unsuccessfully appeared for the written exam at a centre in Balrampur district in August. She confessed that she wanted to hide her failure from her family and friends, and create an impression that she was participating in the physical test phase.