Meerut, January 4: Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) has arrested a member of an inter-state gang accused of duping people by promising recruitment in the Indian Army through forged documents, officials said on Saturday. The accused, Rahul Kumar was apprehended late Friday night from the Meerut Cantonment area in Sadar Bazar, Additional Superintendent of Police, STF Fielf Unit, Meerut, Brijesh Kumar Singh said. UP STF Busts Interstate Gang Making Fake Documents for Railway, Army Exam Candidates.

During the operation, five coloured photocopies of fake Indian Army admit cards, a forged list of selected Agniveer candidates, two mobile phones, and a car were recovered from the accused, Singh said. Based on a tip-off, the STF unit tracked down Kumar, from Baghpat, who allegedly collected large sums of money by producing fake recruitment documents, the officer said. Uttar Pradesh Police Arrest Six Members of Interstate Gang of Thieves From Gujarat; Aluminium Worth Rs 1.60 Crore, Three Trucks, Rs 30 Lakh Cash Seized.

He said that during interrogation the accused revealed he was a part of a network involving Raj Patel from Bihar and Sumit and Sombir, residents of Haryana. The gang allegedly lured aspirants by promising them jobs in the Indian Army and charged hefty sums, he added. A case has been registered against Kumar and further investigation is underway, the police said.