Lucknow, June 26: In a disturbing incident emerging from Uttar Pradesh's Agra, a woman was forced to have sex with her mother-in-law and was attacked with a blade when she refused to do so. The victim has lodged a formal complaint against her husband and in-laws, accusing them of severe harassment and torture. The police have taken cognisance of the matter and registered a case.

According to a report published by India Today, the victim, who has chosen to remain anonymous, entered into matrimony with Alok Upadhyay in Ghazipur district in 2022. According to the First Information Report (FIR) filed by her, the abuse commenced shortly after the nuptial ceremony. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Fed Up With Demand for 'Unnatural Sex', Angry Woman Bites Husband's Private Parts in Hamirpur.

Woman Attacked With Blade After Refusing Denying Sex With Mother-in-Law

In her complaint, she has made serious allegations against her mother-in-law, stating that she was pressured into having “physical relations.” The woman has claimed that when she resisted these advances, her mother-in-law resorted to physical violence. The FIR details a particularly harrowing incident where the mother-in-law allegedly attacked the woman with a blade. This assault resulted in five deep gashes on her arm, which subsequently required medical attention and stitches.

Woman Faced Constant Harassment Over Dowry

According to the report, the woman also alleged that her sister-in-law confiscated her clothes, forcing her to wear the same garments for a month while being confined to a room. In addition to this mistreatment, she claims she endured persistent demands for dowry and physical abuse. The situation reportedly worsened after she gave birth to a son in 2023. Allegedly, her husband questioned the child's legitimacy and physically assaulted her. Following the assault, she was thrown out of the house but later allowed back after intervention from neighbours. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Upset Over Unnatural Sex Demand, Woman Bites Husband’s Private Parts in Hamirpur.

Subsequently, the woman's father visited her, and she returned to her maternal home in Agra. Earlier this month, her in-laws contacted her and her father to seek a compromise. They attended a meeting at the in-laws' house on June 7, but it ended in a scuffle, prompting them to leave again.

The local police have registered a case based on the woman’s complaint and initiated an investigation into these grave allegations. The police are currently gathering evidence and conducting inquiries.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 26, 2024 04:40 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website