Rae Bareli, January 5: A 25-year-old man allegedly killed his father in Uttar Pradesh's Rae Bareli after the latter failed to give him Rs 500. The accused, Sanjay Yadav, was arrested on Thursday. Sanjay and his father Triloki worked at a brick kiln in Rae Bareli. The murder took place on January 1 in the Unchahar police circle. During the investigation, police contacted the brick kiln owner who played a recording of the last call made to him by Triloki on the day of murder.
In the call, Triloki had requested the brick kiln owner to lend him Rs 500 since Sanjay was threatening to kill him if he did not get the money. Police then detained Sanjay who confessed to his crime, police said. Rae Bareli Superintendent of Police Alok Priyadarshi said that after the body was recovered, the locals recognised Triloki and revealed that he was always at loggerheads with his son Sanjay who was a drunkard. Kanpur Shocker: Miscreants Open Fire Over Land Dispute, Probe Launched After Video Goes Viral
“We initially questioned Sanjay who said that he was not in the village when the incident took place and added that his father was a drunkard and suffered an accident,” the officer said. “However, we recovered a broken mobile phone and checked all the call records and zeroed in the last number which turned out to be of a contractor,” the officer added. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Woman Takes Life by Jumping Into Yamuna River During Car Journey with Husband in Mainpuri, Investigation Underway
The police met the contractor who played the call recording and we got to know the culprit, he said. “We confronted Sanjay with the recording, and he confessed that he had asked for Rs 500, but his father refused, which enraged him. After the contractor disconnected his call, he hit his father on the head with a wooden plank lying nearby,” said the police. The blow was so strong that Triloki fell down bleeding and died. Later, he threw the body outside the house and fled.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 05, 2024 09:05 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).