Lucknow, July 16: In a shocking incident, seven people were arrested on Thursday for allegedly robbing and killing a cab driver by the Noida police, as per reports. The incident took in May this year. Four out of the seven accused had reportedly booked a taxi online through a cab aggregator service on May 26, however when the deceased arrived for pick-up they cancelled the ride and convinced him to do take them to Jhansi through offline booking. On reaching destination, the four robbed the driver of his belonging and killed him. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: 20-Year-Old Woman Set Ablaze by Boyfriend's Brother in Bulandshahr.

Meanwhile, the cab driver's brother lodged a missing person complaint with the police. As per reports, the body of the deceased, identified as Harvesh Singh, was discovered five days later. The police launched the investigation and traced the four accused, identified as Sonu, Shivam, Abid and Rahul, who booked and cancelled the ride. The four admitted to the crime while police interrogation, as per a report by the Hindustan Times. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: 26-Year-Old Woman Shot Dead While Waiting for Bus Outside Muzaffarnagar Medical College.

DCP (Zone 2)Harish Chander told the Hindustan Times, “The driver’s family had filed a missing person complaint on May 29. After the driver’s body was found, his brother filed a murder complaint against unidentified persons at a police station in Jhansi on July 11, alleging that the victim was killed on the pretext of booking a cab. The case was then transferred to us (the Noida police), and we launched a probe.”

The four later sold the car to scrap dealers, Sudama Dutt Sharma, Shamshuddin, Mohammad Umeed, who have also been arrested by the police in this matter. A case has been reportedly filed against the seven accused under section 302, section 201, section 394 and section 413 of the Indian Penal Code.

Another incident of robbery and murder was reported from Uttar Pradesh in June this year. A 65-year-old man, Rahman Khan, was found dead in Vikas Bazaar in Firozabad. SP, Rural, Akhilesh Narayan had reportedly said that he robbers allegedly killed Rahman Khan after they realised that he was awake when they committed the theft and thus, a witness to their crime.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 16, 2021 01:39 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website