Prayagraj, January 16: The police have arrested a man for allegedly posting objectionable content on social media on Lord Ram in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagra. The action was taken after locals staged a protest against the post at Kaundhiyara police station. An FIR was registered against the accused under the relevant sections, police officials said. Uttar Pradesh: Man Arrested for Provocative Social Media Posts on Ayodhya Ram Temple

As per reports, Shailendra Kumar Kushwaha, 43, a resident of Gaura village under Kaundhiyara police station, posted an objectionable content against Lord Ram from his Facebook account on Sunday evening. Locals were enraged after the post went viral. Soon a large number of locals and members of some right-wing organisations reached Kaundhiyara police station and demanded action against Kushwaha. Pran Pratishtha Ceremony in Ayodhya: UP Police Partners With Local People, Nishad Community for Flawless Security

On complaint of Vishwa Hindu Parishad ‘s local leader Shivam Mishra, an FIR was lodged against Shailendra. DCP trans-Yamuna Abhinav Tyagi said the accused Shailendra Kumar Kushwaha has been arrested.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2024 09:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website