Lucknow, September 2: A man was arrested at Varanasi airport on Wednesday with a consignment of gold worth over Rs 33 lakh, as per reports. The accused was re[reportedly carrying the gold in the form of a paste and was stitched at the belt area of the jeans he was wearing, as per a report by the Times of India. The accused was returning from Sharjah when was caught by the airport for and the gold weighing around 770 grams was recovered from his possession. Madhya Pradesh: Three Held for Smuggling 5 kg Gold Worth Rs 2.44 Crore in Indore.

Reports inform that the man was returning to his home after a short stay in Sharjah. He lived in Sharjah for four months. While he was on his way back, the man was caught at Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport with gold worth Rs. 33,94,877 hidden in the form of a paste which was stitched in the belt portion of his jeans. The officials said that the passenger arrived from Sharjah by flight IX184, reported Times of India. Kerala: Gold Worth Rs 14 Lakh Seized at Kannur Airport.

The man has been arrested and the gold recovered from his possession has been seized. Officials told Times of India that a further investigation in this matter is being undertaken. The golf in paste form weighted 770 grams, however pure gold weighing 697.1 grams was recovered when it was brunt.

A similar incident was reported at the Kannur airport in Kerala a few days back. The 'Air Intelligence Unit had seized gold weighing over 300 grams from a passenger. The gold was also hidden in the form of a paste within the double-layered pants that the passenger was wearing.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 02, 2021 10:41 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website