Ghaizabad, December 3: In a shocking incident, a couple in Indirapuram area of Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad committed suicide on Tuesday morning. A man and his wife jumped to death from the eighth floor of the building. Another woman, who is reported to be man’s second wife, also jumped along with them. However, she survived and currently undergoing treatment in a nearby hospital. Uttar Pradesh: Teenage Lovers Attempt Suicide in Agra as Families Were Against Their Relation, Boy Dies.

According to reports, the couple before committing suicide allegedly killed their two daughters. The couple took the extreme step due to family trouble and financial crisis. Till now, the identities of the deceased have not been revealed by the police. The family had moved into the apartment just one and a half month back. Burari Deaths: Post Mortem Reports Reveal 10 of 11 Members of Delhi Family Committed Suicide, Cause of Death of Narayani Devi Still Remains Mystery.

The security guard of the building rushed to the spot after hearing a loud sound. He then informed the police. “Around 5 am, I heard a loud sound of something hitting the ground. I rushed in the direction of the sound and noticed two bodies on the ground. They were motionless. I informed my seniors and called the police,” reported News Nation quoting the security guard of the building as saying.

The police also found a suicide note scribbled on the wall of the children’s bedroom. According to the media house, a dead rabbit was also found in the room. The police have started investigation in the case.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 03, 2019 11:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website