Etawah, November 15: A Sub Inspector of Uttar Pradesh police on Friday began his run for the police station where he is "forcibly" posted. The Sub Inspector, Vijay Pratap, fainted midway to Bitholi police station and was rushed a hospital. A video of Vijay Pratap running towards Bitholi police station in Uttar Pradesh's Agra district was shared by news agency ANI. The incident has caused major embarrassment for the state police department. UP Police Gallop Like Horses In a Bizarre Mock Drill, Netizens Compare Cops With Harry Potter Flying On His Broomstick! (Watch Video).

Speaking to media houses, Vijay Pratap said that he was forcibly transferred to Bitholi police station due to "dictatorship" of a Reserve Inspector of Police. "I am being transferred due to the dictatorship of Reserve Inspector of Police. I was asked by the SSP to stay back at Police Line, but I am being transferred to Bitholi forcefully by the Reserve Inspector of Police. You can call it my anger or unhappiness, but I'll run and go to Bitholi," he said. Priyanka Gandhi Shares Unrelated Video as Goons Thrashing Dalits, UP Police Corrects Congress Leader.

UP Sub Inspector Vijay Pratap Protests Against Transfer in Unique Way:

Pratap began his run from Police Line in Etawah to Bitholi police station in Agra, which is roughly 60 kilometres. While the video of Pratap running towards Bitholi police station was widely shared on social media, the police department remained silent on the issue.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 15, 2019 10:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website