Chennai, September 3: In an unfortunate incident in Tamil Nadu, a schoolgirl allegedly died after eating noodles made by a "Chinese" or "Korean" company. The alleged incident came to light on Sunday, September 1, when the 15-year-old was found lying unconscious at her home in Trichy. Her family members immediately rushed her to a hospital, where she was declared dead.

According to reports, the girl was found dead at her home in Keela Ambikapuram, Trichy, also known as Tiruchi. Police officials said that on Saturday night, August 31, the minor girl made "Buldak noodles" or "Bulldog Noodles" and ate them. Following this, she had a soft drink and went to sleep. The next day, she was found unconscious at home. Trichy: Girl Takes Too Many Pills to Alleviate Menstrual Cramps in Pulivalam, Dies of Complications.

Minor Girl Could Have Died Due to Suffocation: Reports

After the incident, when her family were preparing to bury her, the police were alerted. They reached the spot and sent the victims for post-mortem at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital. Meanwhile, the Ariyamangalam police have registered a case and are awaiting the autopsy report of the minor girl. A few reports cited doctors and said that the minor girl could have died due to suffocation after the noodles stuck in her throat.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 03, 2024 12:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website