Mumbai, December 19: Power supply is also set to be suspended in Tamil Nadu's Trichy city and suburbs. As per reports, parts of Trichy city and suburbs will be without power on Tuesday, December 20. If reports are to be believed, power supply will be suspended in view of maintenance work in Tangedco’s substations at two places.
The power department will be undertaking maintenance work in Tangedco’s substations at Main Guard Gate and Kambarasampettai. According to a report in the Times of India, several areas such as Karur bypass road, Old Karur Road, VN Nagar, Poosari Street, Chathiram bus stand, St Joseph’s College will face power shutdown from 9.45 am to 4 pm on Tuesday. TNEB Aadhaar Linking Status: How To Check Online If Your UIDAI Number Is Linked With TANGEDCO E-Bill.
Besides above places, other areas which would face complete shutdown of power supply include Chinthamani, Andar Street, Nandhikoil Street, Odathurai, Vaanapattarai, Singarathope, Salai Road, Fort Station Road, Woraiyur housing unit, Kura Street, Nawab Thottam, Santhosh Garden, Linga Nagar, and Cholarajapuram.
Other areas of Trichy city and suburbs that will see power shutdown are Devathanam, Sankaran Pillai road, Sanjeevi Nagar, Panayakurichi, Sarkarpalayam, Mutharasanallur, Jeeyapuram, Malliyampathu and Maruthandakurichi. If consumers face any difficulty or require any details, they can contact the toll-free helpline number at 94987-94987.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 19, 2022 04:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website