Mumbai, December 5: In a tragic incident, a tiger killed a 50-year-old man near Pitesur village, located within the Jamb-Kandri forest range in Mohadi taluka in Maharashtra's Bhandara on Wednesday, December 4. The fatal attack occurred between 8 pm and 9 pm in the Golden Designated Area (Bit) No 53 Reserve Forest when the man was at a pond for fishing, as per the forest department's reports.
According to a report published by Loksatta, the deceased was identified as Laxman Doma Mohankar. Mohankar, a resident of Pitesur village, had gone to the pond to catch fish after dark. When he failed to return home by late hours, concerned villagers launched a search around 11 pm. Man-Eater Tiger That Killed Six Persons in Maharashtra's Chandrapur Forest Circle Captured After Two-Month-Long Operation.
Tiger Attack in Maharashtra
They later discovered his body in the forest, partially consumed by the tiger. The victim’s left leg was severed at the thigh, with the lower portion found some distance away. Upon receiving information from the villagers, the forest department quickly dispatched a team to the location. Mohankar's body was transported to the rural hospital in Mohadi for a post-mortem at around 3 am.
Woman Killed in Tiger Attack
In another incident, a tragic tiger attack claimed the life of 55-year-old Rekha Maroti Yermalwar in Chandrapur district on Friday, November 29. The incident occurred near Nilsani Pedgaon village in Sawli taluka. The attack was discovered on Saturday, November 30, around 7 am. Tiger Spotted in Hyderabad: Tiger Seen Crossing Highway Near Nirmal-Adilabad Border in Kuntala Forest, Video Surfaces.
This fatality is part of a rising number of tiger attacks in the Vidarbha region, particularly in Chandrapur district, where human-wildlife conflict has escalated in recent years. The Pench Tiger Reserve has also witnessed a significant rise in such incidents over the past two years. According to reports, a total of 302 people have been killed in tiger attacks across India in the last five years, with 55% of these fatalities occurring in Maharashtra.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 05, 2024 08:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website