A tribal woman survived a near-miss with a goods train at Nandanghi Railway Station in Telangana. A video of the incident surfaced on August 26. The incident was captured on video, which has since gone viral on social media. The video has garnered widespread attention. As the woman attempted to cross the railway tracks, a goods train suddenly approached, causing her to fall onto the tracks. Remarkably, she remained completely still, not moving a muscle, until the train had passed completely. After the train had moved on, the woman was found to be unharmed and alive. Telangana Shocker: Man Beaten to Death by Kin Over Land Dispute in Narayanpet District; Probe Launched.
Tribal Woman Survives Narrow Escape from Goods Train at Nandanghi Railway Station
అదృష్టం అంటే ఇదేనేమో..
వికారాబాద్ జిల్లా: నావంద్గి రైల్వే స్టేషన్ లో ఓ గిరిజన మహిళ రైల్వే పట్టాలు దాటుతున్న క్రమంలో ఒక్కసారిగా గుడ్స్ ట్రైన్ రావడంతో పట్టాల పై సదరు మహిళ అలాగే పడుకుంది.
తన శరీరాన్ని ఏమాత్రం కదపకుండా ట్రైన్ పూర్తిగా వెళ్ళెంతవరకు అలానే పడుకుంది.
ట్రైన్… pic.twitter.com/cGghKptatH
— Aadhan Telugu (@AadhanTelugu) August 26, 2024
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 26, 2024 03:27 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).