Hyderabad, October 24: Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Om Prakash Rawat on Wednesday said that they have restricted the money and liquor flow in Telangana ahead of the state assembly polls. The announcement comes after an 11- member team, led by Rawat, visited the state to review poll preparedness.

Addressing the reporters here, the CEC said that they have overseen the election arrangements, security and election staff for the polls. "Special arrangements will be made at the polling booths for women and disabled," Rawat said.

The Legislative Assembly elections in Telangana are scheduled to be held on December 7 to elect members of the 119 constituencies. The State Assembly was dissolved prematurely in September by K Chandrashekar Rao, who called for the advancement of polls in the state. Telangana Assembly Elections 2018 Full Schedule And Dates: Voting on December 7, Results on December 11.

The CEC, at the end of his three-day review trip to the state, said that the election body is revising the electoral rolls further without any corrigendum.

Rawat also said that they have received representations from various political parties to monitor the government advertisements of neighbouring states. "Issues pertaining to the polling machines will be overseen by c-dock engineers," Rawat added.