Lucknow, December 26: In a daring escape, a 15-year-old girl from a state government-run shelter home for girls at Lucknow's Moti Nagar scaled a 14-foot-wall in just 1 minute and 16 seconds and fled from the shelter, reported Hindustan Times. The incident that took place on Sunday, CCTV showed on Monday, is going viral on the internet. Bhopal Shelter Home Abuse: Five Inmates Escape, Allege Rapes, Murders; Police Arrests Ex-Armyman.
The girl committed this act because she was unhappy being lodged in the shelter home. The teen, a resident of Uttar Pradesh's Basti, was rescued by 'Childline' NGO from Charbagh railway station and was lodged in shelter home on December 18, reported Hindustan Times. Muzaffarpur Shelter Home Rape Case: Police Begin Digging Premises After Allegations Of Killing And Burying Of Girl.
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According to CCTV footage, the girl was on the first floor of the shelter home at 7.03 am on Sunday. After checking that no one was around, she climbed the basin and after a struggle for one minute, she reached the roof. Later, she was seen roaming on the roof and then she climbed down onto a roof of the adjacent house.
This incident shows the laxity of the shelter home employees, Since, no one noticed her escaping from the shelter and climbing down the adjacent roof constructed by Lucknow Municipal Corporation. Meanwhile, a missing complaint has been lodged by shelter home employees.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 26, 2018 03:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website