Mayiladuthurai, October 15: In a shocking incident, a minor girl was allegedly raped by a 25-year-old man in Tamil Nadu’s Mayiladuthurai district. The girl’s body was recovered from a drainage canal of a village almost a week ago. The post mortem report revealed that the 13-year-old girl sustained injuries at her private parts. The accused has been identified as Prabhakar. Gujarat Horror: Minor Raped By 30-Year-Old Man in Bhavnagar District; Accused Arrested.

According to a report published in The Hindu, the girl and the accused knew each other. Initially, Prabhakar joined friends and family in searching the girl after she went missing. As per the police, the activities of the accused had raised suspicion. Gujarat Shocker: 35-Year-Old Man Rapes Sister-In-Law's Minor Sister In Rajkot; Arrested.

After a thorough investigation, the police zeroed on to Prabhakar. During the interrogation, the accused confessed his crime. He told the police that e had raped the minor girl and then murdered her by causing asphyxiation with a cloth.

The accused threw the body of the girl in the drainage canal. Prabhakar raped and murdered the girl following an argument that broke out between the two as the accused tried to stop the girl from taking to other boys. Prabhakar was booked under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 and was remanded to judicial custody.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 15, 2021 09:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website