Chennai, May 21: The Tamil Nadu police recently arrested a 17-year-old boy who allegedly tried to kidnap his three-year-old cousin in Coimbatore. Police officials said that the Mettupalayam police arrested the minor boy who attempted to kidnap his cousin on Friday night. The accused reportedly tried to kidnap his cousin for ransom as he wanted to buy a mobile phone and a motorcycle.

As per a report in the Times of India, the accused is a school dropout and planned to kidnap his cousin in order to demand ransom to buy a mobile and a bike for himself. Speaking about the incident, a police officer said, "On Friday around 9 pm, during the scheduled power outage, he entered the cousin’s house wearing a mask and attempted to kidnap her. But the girl’s parents noticed him and raised an alarm." Tamil Nadu Shocker: Woman Gets Brother Kidnapped, Tortured for Property in Tiruppur.

Accused Threatens Girl's Parents With Knife

The officer said that the accused even threatened the parents at knife-point before abandoning the girl and escaping in a car. Soon after the accused fled, the parents informed alerted the police who started checking vehicles. During the police blockage, the cops found a car abandoned on the Kallar railway bridge.

After the initial investigation, cops learned that the accused had hired the car. The car owner told cops that a man from Mettupalayam had hired the car. Based on the car owner's statement, the police picked the accused, who later turned out to be the boy’s elder brother. Tamil Nadu: Two Arrested Under POCSO Act in Two Separate Cases in Coimbatore.

Later, cops learned that the younger brother had taken the car in order to attend a marriage function. On Saturday, the police nabbed the minor boy who confessed to his crime. However, the boy was let off after a warning as the girl's parents refused to file a complaint.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 21, 2023 12:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website