Coimbatore, October 23: A 45-year-old woman allegedly killed his three-month-old grandson in Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore district. The accused has been identified as Shanthi. The incident took place in Kavundampalayam town of the district on Thursday. The accused also injured her three-month-old granddaughter. The victims are twins of Shanthi’s daughter, 24-year-old Aishwarya. After committing the crime, the accused fled from the spot. Ahmedabad Woman Poisons Her Child, Then Has Sex With Boyfriend; Both Arrested.

The deceased has been identified as B Aryan. The other twin, Aariki Siri, is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital. According to a report published in The Times of India, On Thursday, Aishwarya’s husband Bhaskar went to work on Thursday. After some time, Aishwarya also went to a medical shop with her brother leaving her children with Shanthi. Maharashtra Shocker: Woman Kills 6-Year-Old Son With Lover’s Help in Jalna, Dumps Body in Sugarcane Field; Held.

After coming back, she found her children injured. She scolded Shanthi. As per the media report, Aryan suffered injuries on his body, including his private parts, while Aariki sustained a hand fracture. Shanthi shifted to her daughter's place three months ago. The accused managed to flee.

The police accessed the CCTV footage that showed that Shanthi leaving the house. As per the family, the accused is suffering from a medical illness. The police have registered a case against the accused under section 302 of the India Penal Code (IPC). A detailed investigation has been launched into the matter.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 23, 2021 01:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website