Chennai, November 3: In an unfortunate incident in Tamil Nadu, a spotted allegedly died after being hit by a car in Coimbatore. The tragic incident took place on the evening of Thursday, November 2, when the spotted deer was hit by a vehicle at Anaikatti in Coimbatore district. After the incident, forest department officers reportedly slapped a fine of Rs 5,000 on the car driver.

According to a report in the Times of India, the incident took place when a family was travelling in a car from Anaikatti to Thondamuthur. A police officer said that on Thursday at around 5 pm, a spotted deer crossed the Thadagam-Anaikatti Road all of a sudden, which is when it was hit by a car. Two-year-old Spotted Deer Rescued from Deep Well in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore.

As per the report, the animal died after being hit by the vehicle in which the family were travelling in. Soon after the animal was allegedly hit, the car driver stopped the vehicle while other motorists alerted forest department officials. Following this, forest department officers reached the spot and slapped a fine of Rs 5,000 on the car's driver.

Later, the carcass of the deer was sent to the Manthirimattam forest area at Manambolly forest range. Over there, the forest department has been implementing the rewilding of a tiger. Reportedly, the carcass of deer would be fed to the tiger by the staff at the forest range. Tamil Nadu International Airports on Alert After Seizure of Exotic Animals Including Snakes (Watch Video).

In a separate incident, a 21-year-old engineering student died after a camera tower installed by the forest department collapsed on him. The incident occurred on the evening of Wednesday, November 1, when the student was on his way home from college in Tiruvallur district. Read the complete story here.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 03, 2023 08:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website