Madurai, April 15: Tamil Nadu Police have registered 3000 cases in Madurai against people for violating Coronavirus lockdown. This also includes cases against a few people who attended the funeral of a Jallikattu-cum-temple bull. Villagers in Alanganallur breached the social distancing norm and gave a grand farewell to their favourite animal. Mooli, the bull, was belonging to Chellayee Amman Temple in the village. Karnataka BJP MLA Masala Jayaram Violates Coronavirus Lockdown, Throws Lavish Birthday Bash With Over 100 Attendees (Watch Video).

"Total 3000 cases have been registered till date by Tamil Nadu Police for violating #CoronavirusLockdown in Madurai, this includes cases against few people who attended the funeral of a bull in a village in Madurai on April 12," Madurai District Collector TG Vinay said. YSRCP MLA Burra Madhusudan Yadav Violates COVID-19 Lockdown, Tries Sneaking 30-40 People into Andhra Pradesh from Karnataka, Stopped by Police.

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The bull used to win several prizes in Jallikattu games in Madurai and other parts of the state. In March, the animal fell sick and stopped consuming food. While villagers tried to revive bull, but the cattle died on Sunday. The villagers took bull around the village before burying it.

The number of novel coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu rose to 1,297 on Wednesday evening, Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported. The contagious infection has so far killed 12 people in the state, while 81 persons have recovered.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 15, 2020 11:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website