Chennai, February 15: In an unfortunate incident, a 43-year-old construction worker from West Bengal was beaten up by a group of people in Thazhambur on early Monday morning suspecting him to be a thief. After the worker succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday, the police registered a murder case and arrested six people.

Police identified the deceased migrant worker as Kshetra Mohan Burman of Gopalpur, West Bengal, who was engaged in construction work at a site, Thazhambur. Gurugram Shocker: 56-Year-Old Man Beaten to Death in Road Rage Incident, One Arrested.

According to Indian Express, some local residents noticed the man trying to scale a compound wall of house on Nehru Street, Karanai in Thazhambur on early Monday morning. Delhi Shocker: Catering Staff Beaten to Death at Wedding Function After Altercation Over Food in Prashant Vihar Area.

Police said that the residents and a few youngsters mistook Barman as a burglar and as he did not know Tamil, they were not able to understand what he was trying to say. They allegedly started beating him with logs and tied him to a pole using the shirt and pants he was wearing.

Based on an alert a police patrol vehicle reached the scene and on police advise the residents rushed him who was suffering from bleeding injuries on his face and nose to Chromepet GH.

From there he was shifted to Chengalpattu GH where he died on early Tuesday morning.

Police have registered a case against six people, all residents of Nehru Street, in connection with the incident, based on a complaint from the contractor of the building at construction site, where the deceased migrant labourer was working.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 15, 2023 07:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website